
Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Collection of Speeches by Jean-Bertrand Aristide - VIDEO

Aristide Speech - United Nations September 29, 1992 

Considered one of the best speeches delivered by Aristide to the United Nations on September 29, 1992.

Aristide Speech - March 14, 1992

A speech given by President Jean-Bertand Aristide at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Berkeley, CA on March 14, 1992.

Aristide Speech - September 27, 1991 

Few Haitians, scholars and historians have had the opportunity to hear and study the full speech of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on September 27, 1991. The speech was mired in controversy after Raymond Joseph, current Haitian ambassador to Washington D.C. but then Publisher of the right-wing newspaper Haiti Observateur, released a slanted translation. The translation was circulated by Ellen Cosgrove, the political officer of the U.S. Embassy in 1991, to the international press as proof that Aristide supported "pe lebrun" or necklacing with burning tires doused with gasoline. Other translators and scholars have criticized Joseph and the U.S. for that slant countering that Aristide's reference to "tool" and "smell" were colorful Kreyol metaphors describing Haiti's constitution. They say this only becomes clear when heard in the context of the entire speech.

Aristide & Liberation Theology - part 1

Aristide & Liberation Theology - part 2 

Aristide & Liberation Theology - part 3

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