
Friday, March 4, 2011

HAITI NOW: Lecture and film presentation by Kevin Pina

Journalist and film maker Kevin Pina will present his latest documentary Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits at Mills College in Oakland, CA on Wednesday, March 9.  Directions to Mills College can be found here:

Pina is an American journalist and filmmaker. He is known for his reporting that focused on human rights abuses in Haiti following the ouster of Jean-Bertrand Aristide on February 29, 2004 and the installation of the interim government of Gerard Latortue and Boniface Alexandre in March 2004. Pina reported on events in Haiti from 2003-2006 as a Special Correspondent for the radio program, Flashpoints, heard on KPFA - the flagship station of Pacifica Radio based in Berkeley, California. Pina is also the Founding Editor of the Haiti Information Project (HIP), a non-profit news agency based in Port-au-Prince and Northern California, and an Associate Editor for the Black Commentator, an online magazine.

For further information contact 510-338-4105

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