
Thursday, January 3, 2013

President Aristide summoned by Martelly's prosecutors in Haiti.

Martelly appointed Government Prosecutor Luckman Delille is a former member of the GNB (Balls up your butt) movement that worked to oust Aristide in 2004. He is now accused of carrying out a politically motivated campaign of political persecution in Haiti.

Martelly appointed government prosecutor Luckman Delille is accused of waging a politically motivated campaign of political persecution against the Lavalas movement in Haiti. Following large demonstrations last December 16, 2012, he ordered the arrest of 21 members of the Lavalas political party and has been summoning into court countless others without charge. Flashpoints Senior Producer, Kevin Pina interviews Pierre Labossiere about the situation. (For more information check FPs Haiti special that aired on Jan. 1, 2013:


1 comment:

  1. This explains U.S./Canada travel ban on Haiti-they KNOW this will trigger unrest. The Anglo anti-Aristide vendetta continues.


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